Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) in Indian Railway…

By vedavrat

К концу моего полуторамесячного пребывания в Индии многие индийцы говорили со мной на своём языке, особенно в штатае А.П. [Андхра-Прадеш] (они говорили мне на языке Телугу) и штате Орисса [Одиша] (ко мне обращались на языке Ория). То ли после месяца жизни в Индии я пропитался Духом и традициями Индии и стал похож на индийца, то ли любой индиец уверен, что каждый человек обязан знать его родной язык – Каннада, Телугу, Ория и так далее. В качестве максимальной поблажки мне некоторые из них были согласны в крайнем случае на то, чтобы говорить со мной на Хинди… Но я и Хинди не знаю…

Например, в поезде Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) [или Traveling ticket collector (TTC)] (жд-работник, аналогичный нашему проводнику и проверяющий билеты) много раз спрашивал меня на языке Телугу, хотя я ему отвечал по-английски, в том числе говорил, что я его не понимаю. Это длилось бы ещё дольше, но индиец-пассажир с соседней полки наконец-то сказал тикет-коллектору “This is a foreigner!”… Тогда тот перестал что-то говорить мне на Тулугу, внимательно посмотрел на меня и только после этого ушёл. :-)

The India Railways Traveling Ticket Examiner

Traveling Ticket Examiner on the India Railway SystemThe Traveling Ticket Examiner on the Indian railway system, or the TTE as he’s known, collects all the tickets on the Indian train. You have to show him your ticket on request. The TTE is usually dressed in a dark blazer with a name badge over his white shirt, and always carries a chart board with a huge clip over it. The TTE typically speaks fairly well, though in the Indian dialect of English. You will hoard of passengers around him towards the front on the India railway station, asking him questions all sorts of questions about the statuses of the waitlist.

The TTE is the best person to speak with about questions or concerns about your India train journey. Some common inquiries that the TTE will be able to address are: Swapping your berth, Arrival and departure timings, The train is best to reach your destination, Extending your journey on the same train, Upgrading your class, which is based on availability. Medical emergencies that arise during your journey. You can even ask him personal questions like how many children he has… the question will be appreciated!

The TTE, and other train staff, is trained to give first aid, and will locate a doctor on the train if the situation is more serious. India railway encourages medical practitioners to identify themselves while making reservations. By the way, all the passengers are insured by the India railway system against accidents while at the station or on the trains.

Typically one TTE is in charge for about 4 coaches, and will travel along with the train. For long distance trains, a new TTE takes over every day. The TTE locks the coaches from inside during the nights. Many night running trains have a few policemen as night guards.