Life is a beautiful picture

By vedavrat

Unfathomable is the field of Natural Law; and it happens and it works out the destiny of everyone. You go to find this logic, that logic — you are not able to pinpoint from where it is happening, and ultimately you are left to something …. It’s from there that it is happening.

‘I remember a Vedic saying, “Na Guror adhikam, na Guror adhikam, na Guror adhikam” — There is nothing greater than Guru Dev. Gurur Brahma — this is how Guru is defined — “Gurur Vishnur, Gurur Devo Maheshwara”, and above all, “Guru Sakshat param Brahma tasmai Shri Gurave nama”.

I end up with something beyond anything, and that is the reality of life. You can’t find the source, because the course is all over.

Where ends intellect, where ends everything – in the Transcendental is the reality of all possibility. So, Glory to Guru Dev. And we got to that course of action; we got to that course of action from where everything is a possibility, automatically.

‘Nothing can be pinpointed. When I was hearing all the glory, all the efforts, all my own appreciation, I was knowing what they are doing. They are searching for something that they are not able to isolate, very great glory of unbounded energy and intelligence.

The source is everywhere. That is Vedic Civilisation. What is at the basis of this? Total Knowledge — Jyotish-Vidya — is that source of unbounded energy, all-knowingness.

There one is saint. There is the secret of all secrets. We can’t pinpoint — we can’t pinpoint our stand. We can’t pinpoint our status. We can’t pinpoint our activity, from where all this is happening. It’s happening of course, but from where it is happening-completely transcendental in nature.

‘The picture of Yoga, the picture of Jyotish, the picture of devotion, the field of knowledge — unfathomable, completely unfathomable.

That is why what we have done is established the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe.

In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. Such a beautiful picture is painted, such a beautiful picture is painted, but from where it is painted It is painted from where it is — Totality.

Totality is real. All the Yoga, the whole field of life, you find from where to draw it. It’s not possible to locate the source of it; it’s not possible to locate the source of it. Unfathomable is the field of Totality. You cannot locate it. You can take out anything you want, but you don’t know from where it is coming. It’s a beautiful picture.

From a speech by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, January 11, 2008